Wednesday 31 March 2010

Green tea with stars!

I went what I can only describe as slightly insane yesterday. I attribute this to my starry scarf and the colourific energy transmitted from the intense bright GREEN of the second scarf! I am not joking I was laughing outloud at myself in the mirror as I attempted to take a picture that included more than the top lefthand corner of my head... The way I have tied the scarf here to me looks a little bit more urban. I'm interested in finding more urban hijab looks. There is something really elegant about hijab, and of course abaya, and yet some girls add a really urban flavour and I really love that some days. On this occasion the huge hoop earrings used again here really help! They were some of the treasure I discovered in the DP accessories sale at BHS last week. Lush!


  1. ooohh! Look what I just found! I want one! I want one!!

  2. The purpose of hijab is to dress quietly and not draw attention to your physical appearance. The parrot loo,k as in this post, is a bad idea

  3. wow @ Hethr - no skills needed!!!

    salaam fatima, I take your point. Somebody told me that the Prophet (salallahu aleihi wa salaam) suggested that green was the most suitable colour to wear to the mosque. I dont understand that really. Most strict Muslimahs these days seem to wear black?

  4. Mash'Allah love the urban ways of wearing a scarf too, have you tried wearing a cute hat with your scarf? Insh'Allah my next hijab tutorial will be that...


  5. Hey Mujahada in P, its funny you should say that about a hat, I was wearing my hoojab like that just the other day, perhaps I will do the same and then we can compare notes! Great minds think alike!
    Ma'Salaama )


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