Tuesday 30 March 2010

That black abaya

Sister, that black abaya
is really quite unique
or is it the tone of your voice
when you speak?
Or is it the light that shines
From your eyes
As you think deep thoughts
Of the pure and wise
It fits and it covers
yet without a doubt you are
the most stunning
sister i have seen Masha'Allah!


  1. Mash'Allah looove this poem!! Did you write it? I would love to insh'Allah share it on my blog if you don't mind, if it's yours I would link back to you of course! www.veiledcouture.blogspot.com


  2. Oooh thank you! of course you can share it, yes I wrote it myself, inspired by a Muslim sister I met that week who is just gorgeous inside and outside. I'm glad you enjoyed it
    ma'Salaama x


As salaam aleikum! Please leave a comment sisters! I am always happy to read your messages of appreciation and respectful thoughts.