Thursday 10 June 2010

Day of the Snow Leopard

Not wanting to overkill my praise for Pearl Daisy but I have to say that this snow leopard number has me addicted. Even blue looks better on me with this baby in the mix! And you know what I also love about this picture? The lines around my eyes. That is the first time I can actually say that and I feel a great relief that I no longer have the pressure of the young. We all have things we dislike about ourselves but each day by the grace of God we learn to appreciate more what He has given us.

Is there anything unexpected you love about yourself?

Keep loving yourselves sisters :)

1 comment:

  1. :) weirdly enough it would be the fact that i'm half blinde. I used to hate it growing up but now i dont mind so much. I almost enjoy not being able to see with out lenses or glasses.

    I love this look! i'm trying it out today!


As salaam aleikum! Please leave a comment sisters! I am always happy to read your messages of appreciation and respectful thoughts.